Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Kinesiology, and Chiropractic services in Port Coquitlam.

Advance Health and Wellness Centre is a team of knowledgeable and skilled professionals looking to empower and mentor people’s lives by helping them achieve their highest health potential. The AHAW Centre is an integrated health clinic, providing patients with a holistic and functional approach. By collaborating as a team, we hope to deliver what works best for you.

Introducing Cura Medical Group

The partners at Advance Health and Wellness Centre have opened a new clinic two doors down at Unit 105 and it's called Cura Medical Group.
Combining natural and conventional medicine, Cura Medical Group is a boutique health clinic that offers services from a team of Naturopathic Doctors, Registered Dietitians, and Clinical Counsellors.
Whether you choose an in-person or online appointment, the team at Cura Medical Group welcome patients of all ages and are committed to providing exceptional care and support.